نتایج جستجو برای عبارت :

?Why does Allah use the pronoun we” in reference to himself in some verses of Quran

Why does Allah use the pronoun “we” in reference to himself in some verses of Quran?
This question has several answers.
Although God is single and should use a
singular word and pronoun when he refers to his acts, yet he has
described himself as such many times in Quran. In Arabic and sometimes
non-Arabic languages, the speaker may use plural pronouns instead of
singular pronouns for several reasons.
The holy Quran has chosen the colloquial
language of people which is the best way to communicate with them and
people sometimes switch pronouns in their colloquial language. It is
said in one of the verses of the holy Quran that: “انتم الفقراء الی
الله…” “It is ye that have need of Allah” and the pronoun انتم “ye” is
masculine while i
Commentary(Noor al-Quran)
Volume 1
Sura Al-Fatihah( The Opening )No. 1( 7 Verses )In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
Contents of the Sura The Holy phrase 'In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful'/ bism-il-lah-ir-rahma/ is, in fact, mentioned both at the onset of the Qur'an and at the beginning of every Sura, except Sura 9,( Sura Taubah - - Repentance ). And, since the purpose of Allah's Word, i. e. the whole Qur'an, is to guide people; as Sura Al-Ma'idah, No. 5, verses 15 - - 16 say:" ... Indeed, there has come to you a light and a clear Book from Allah"," With it Allah guides him who follows His pleasure to the ways of peace and safety ..."; therefore, this guidance, being a grant and a fundamental principle, begins with Allah's Holy Name.This Sura, among
Commentary(Noor al-Quran)
Volume 1
Sura Al-Fatihah( The Opening )No. 1( 7 Verses )In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
Contents of the Sura The Holy phrase 'In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful'/ bism-il-lah-ir-rahma/ is, in fact, mentioned both at the onset of the Qur'an and at the beginning of every Sura, except Sura 9,( Sura Taubah - - Repentance ). And, since the purpose of Allah's Word, i. e. the whole Qur'an, is to guide people; as Sura Al-Ma'idah, No. 5, verses 15 - - 16 say:" ... Indeed, there has come to you a light and a clear Book from Allah"," With it Allah guides him who follows His pleasure to the ways of peace and safety ..."; therefore, this guidance, being a grant and a fundamental principle, begins with Allah's Holy Name.
This Sura, among
{Imam Mahdi in the Quran - No. 31-40}
Action = “obligatory”; haste= “forbidden”
“(Inevitable) cometh (to pass) the Command of Allah: seek ye not then to hasten it… [The Quran, Surah16, Verse 1]”
Imam Sadiq (PBUH) says while interpreting this verse: “[the Command of Allah] is our command; implying the rise of “Qa'im” of Ahl al-Bayt, that Allah has ordered not to hasten it … Allah will support him with three armies of angels, believers and panic [among the enemies]…”
(Tafsir al-Ayyashi, vol. 2, p. 254
Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, vol. 42, p. 671)
Read the rest 
ادامه مطلب
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, In the name of Allah who is light, in the name of Allah who illuminates the light, In the name of Allah who is Light upon light, In the name of Allah who manages the affairs, In the name of Allah who created light from the light, all the praise be to Allah who created light from the light and descended it upon to Toor (Saini) Mountain, by a Book inscribed in parchment spread open, to the certain extent to the wise prophet, and all praise be to Allah who has been stated to Mighty and Dominance and is famous to pride and He has been thanked in joy and hardship, God sends peace upon our master Mohammad and his household who are pure.
Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said, "When the period of the suffering of the children of Israel was prolonged, they wailed and cried to Allah for 40 mornings. Thereupon, Allah revealed to Moses (PBUH) and Aaron (PBUH) to rescue them from the (hands of) Pharaoh. This way, He reduced the period of their hardship by 170 years." Then, the Imam (PBUH) continued,
"This is your case as well, and if you do the same Allah shall certainly relieve us However, if you avoid it, this matter (i.e., the calamity before al-Faraj) shall surely (continue up to its laststage.
Suffering is a hint to the believers that they should implore Allah with humility. Allah says in the Quran
Before you We sent towards many nations, and We afflicted them with suffering and(adversity, that they might beseech (Us) in humility.
Ain-Al Hayat,The essence of life 
point ‘ Ain- Al Hayat الحیاة عین The book begins with the biographical descriptions of some of the truest Companions of The Prophet ( S, ) namely, Salman Farsi, Abu Dharr Ghifari and Miqdad Al- Aswad. Then in each chapter he picks up various themes related to the Existence of Allah SWT, His creation of the universe, the angels, His Attributes, Prophethood, followed by Imamah, The Day of Judgment, the value and rewards of good deeds etc. Allama Majlisi elaborates upon the aqaeed ( tenets of beliefs) in their various ramifications and shows us how to attain total devotion to Allah SWT. One chapter is devoted to the benefits of reciting The Quran as a whole and verses from various chapters. There is also very good advice about dea
In the Quran when Allah states night and day, He expresses different modes of day and night ( He causes the night to enter the day and the day enter to night or He wraps the day over the night,  and it also  stated: " We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible.. ...) there is no word in the Quran like the word of night and day. 
In sura Ya_seen says that night and day are like a skin that is separated from the fruit.  For example,  the life of a man is seventy years old and every night and the day goes by his life .it is like a skin is peeled from a fruit to reach the end.  It is as if every human being is the creature of night and day and had nothing but day and night. 
It is enough to know the believer from th
[ Surah( 2 ): Ayahs 17 - 20 ]
مَثَلُهُمْ کَمَثَلِ الَّذِی اسْتَوْقَدَ ناراً فَلَمَّا أَضاءَتْ ما حَوْلَهُ ذَهَبَ اللَّهُ بِنُورِهِمْ وَ تَرَکَهُمْ فی‏ ظُلُماتٍ لا یُبْصِرُونَ (17) صُمٌّ بُکْمٌ عُمْیٌ فَهُمْ لا یَرْجِعُونَ (18) أَوْ کَصَیِّبٍ مِنَ السَّماءِ فیهِ ظُلُماتٌ وَ رَعْدٌ وَ بَرْقٌ یَجْعَلُونَ أَصابِعَهُمْ فی‏ آذانِهِمْ مِنَ الصَّواعِقِ حَذَرَ الْمَوْتِ وَ اللَّهُ مُحیطٌ بِالْکافِرینَ (19) یَکادُ الْبَرْقُ یَخْطَفُ أَبْصارَهُمْ کُلَّم
در این صفحه برخی آیات قرآن را می خوانیم و به توصیه های خداوند فکر می کنیم

یونس؛ 107

هود؛ 90

الرایاس؛ 25

الرایاس؛ 82

مریم؛ 96

الحج؛ 60

الحج؛ 65

An-Nur؛ 14

An-Nur؛ 21

An-Nur؛ 26

القرآن؛ 06

An-Naml؛ 46

القاعده؛ 73

النکبوت؛ 07

Prayer for seeing the crescent of RamadanHassan Ibn Ali Kharaz said:" We went to Imam Reda (P.B.U.H.) on the last Friday of Shaban month." A few of his companion was with him. Imam (P.B.U.H.) said:" My adherents, today is the last day of Shaban month, whoever fasts today for its reward he would be forgiven." Mohammad Ibn Ismaeil said:" Oh the son of the messenger what's your opinion about the narrative which has prohibited to welcome of Ramadan month ( fasting before Ramadan) in order to fast one or two days before this month?" Imam (P.B.U.H.) said:" Oh the son of Ismaeil, Ramadan is one name of Allah's names and it is not said about this month that this month came, went or it has been welcomed because this month is the month of the Honoured and Glorified Allah and it is an explanation(abo
Soudabeh:In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and  the Most Merciful, O Lord!  I demand You in the alternation of night and day and in the presence of Your prayer and at the time of voices of prayer unto thee, send Your best     peace upon Mohammad and his household (P.B.U.H.), and gather us with the intercession of Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), be Your all and thorough peace upon Mohammad and his household (P.B.U.H.).In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,  O Allah! Send Your peace to Amir AL Moumenin ( Commander of  the faithful)  and his offsprings  _Al _Hassan _e Al Taqi  and AL_ Hossein _e Shahid and Ali Ibn AL _Hossein zein Al Abedin and Mohammad Ibn Ali Baqer (Splitter)  knowledge of prophets and Jafar Ibn Mohammad AL _Sadegh  honest and Mosa Ibn Jafar Al_
Imam Baqir (PBUH) said: "... Is religion other than love and hate?" He (PBUH) then recited, "But Allah has made you love the Faith and has made it beautiful in your hearts, and He has made you hate disbelief, wickedness, and rebellion. Such indeed are those who grow in righteousness," and "They love those who migrate towards them," and "Say, 'If you truly love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. For Allah is forgiving, most merciful.'
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیمIn the name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate
Safir of Imam Mahdi (aj),
We are supposed to  renew ourselves before the arrival of Imam Mahdi(aj). We are supposed to get rid of all satanic tricks and align ourselves with our original blueprint.  Until we achieve this reality, we will circle around with a deep internal void and blindness that Allah talks about in the Holy Quran, deceiving ourselves of our good deeds and remaining in ignorance of our vices in a slumber of  illusion.
The only  recourse we have is thst we should be guided both mentally as well as through our heart by our Lord so that we can prosper and secure a place in the army of the master, of the time (aj) both now and when he reappears inshaAllah
أُولَـٰئِكَ ع
A prayer to find the lostJaber is narrating that the noble Prophet (P.B.U.H.) taught Ali ( P.B.U.H.) and Fatima ( P.B.U.H.) this prayer. If the calamity occured to you, and you feared King tyranny or you lost something, perform ablution and offer a prayer of two Rokats and raise your hands toward the sky and say:O He! Who is the knower of unseen and the witnessed, O He! Who is being obeyed, O He! Who knows all things, Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Ya Allah! O He! Who smashed the power of parties for Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and O He! Who deceived pharaoh for Mosa ( P.B.U.H.), O He! Who delivered Noh people from drowning, O He! Who have Mercy upon Jacob, from darkness, O He! Who is the agent of all Khair (goodness), O He! Who guides to every Khair ( goodness), O He! Who commands to every Khair ( goodness
A prayer to find the lostJaber is narrating that the noble Prophet (P.B.U.H.) taught Ali ( P.B.U.H.) and Fatima ( P.B.U.H.) this prayer. If the calamity occured to you, and you feared King tyranny or you lost something, perform ablution and offer a prayer of two Rokats and raise your hands toward the sky and say:O He! Who is the knower of unseen and the witnessed, O He! Who is being obeyed, O He! Who knows all things, Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Ya Allah! O He! Who smashed the power of parties for Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and O He! Who deceived pharaoh for Mosa ( P.B.U.H.), O He! Who delivered Noh people from drowning, O He! Who have Mercy upon Jacob, from darkness, O He! Who is the agent of all Khair (goodness), O He! Who guides to every Khair ( goodness), O He! Who commands to every Khair ( goodness
The book of Islamic Thought in the Quran explain the most basic
principles of Islamic thinking through the Quran. This book explain the
principles of living well and It says the purpose of human being and how
to achieve to this purpose.It’s for all of people in the world,
whether it is Muslim or non-Muslim; because it’s so logical that they
could be beneficial to all. This book give a new life to certain
concepts that seemed to be worn out or taken for granted.

pdf Islamic Thought in the Quran book

hen it is talking about 2700 years ago and tells about the conquer of the Jinn, the Qur'an speaks of the guidance of the wind by some.The prophets are in the rank of the great prophet. How do you not have Moses and Jesus in your life then you want to have a great prophet? They are each a rank of the Quran and in their Quranic rank, they create Maki, Madni and structural relations when they come together. Someone might disagree and say that these are degrees and they all have it, what is important is that one should have value these books. Some tasks are Maki and some are Madni and some are structural. That is if our Dain ( obligation) is Forghani (criteria). Not only is it our responsibility to guide others, not only in the way of telling and informing but in a way of that we can revive in
The book of Islamic Thought in the Quran explain the most basic
principles of Islamic thinking through the Quran. This book explain the
principles of living well and It says the purpose of human being and how
to achieve to this purpose.It’s for all of people in the world,
whether it is Muslim or non-Muslim; because it’s so logical that they
could be beneficial to all. This book give a new life to certain
concepts that seemed to be worn out or taken for granted.

pdf Islamic Thought in the Quran book


Valuable books
کتاب خطی نوشته عبدالرحمن بن علی بن احمد قرشی
بصورت خطی و با کیفت مناسب برای خواندن در زمینه اسرار و خواص سوره ها و
آیات کلام الله مجید برای حل مشکلات و جلوگیری از بروز مشکلاتی که توسط دعا
ها و طلسمات سیاه ایجاد میشود
ادامه مطلب
Encyclopedia of Quran
The Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān (abbreviated EQ) is an encyclopedia dedicated to the Qur'an published with Brill.
It was published in five volumes, edited by Jane Dammen McAuliffe et al. during 2001-2006 (ISBN 90-04-14743-8):
    Vol. I: A-D (publication year 2001)
    Vol. II: E-I (2002)
    Vol. III: J-O (2003)
    Vol. IV: P-Sh (2004)
    Vol. V: Si-Z (2006)
    Index Vol. (2006)

Brill Online Search
Ja'far Ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (PBUH) narrated from his father that the Apostle of Allah (PBUHHF) said, "O Ali! If a servant worships Allah for a thousand years, Allah shall not accept from him except by means of your Wilaya and the Wilaya of the Imams in your offspring. And verily your Wilaya shall not be accepted except by means of keeping aloof from your enemies and the enemies of the Imams in your offspring. This is what Gabriel has informed me. 'Thus let him who will, believe (it), and let him who will, reject it ....
Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) asked Fudhail Ibn Yasar,
"Do you assemble with your friends and narrate traditions?" He said, "Yes, may I be sacrificed for you." He (PBUH) said, "I hold dear such gatherings as it will revive our matter. May Allah have mercy on him who revives our matter. O Fudhail! He who remembers us or is reminded about us, and this brings tears to his eyes even to the extent of a wing of a fly, Allah will forgive (his sins even if they are greater than the foam of the sea.
Two Rokats PrayerPrayer on Fridays in RamadanImam Sadegh( P.B.U.H.) said that It is offered these recommended prayers all Fridays in Ramadan :Four Rokats (units) prayer of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (P.B.U.H.) and two Rokats of prayer of Hazrat Zahra ( P.B.U.H.), in the first Rokat it is recited Qadar sura 100 times after reciting Hamd sura and in the second Rokat it is recited Tohid sura 100 times after reciting Hamd sura and after saying Salam of prayer, Rosary of Hazrat Zahra( P.B.U.H.) is said like this : Allah O Akbar 34 times Alhamdolleh 33 times and Sobhan Allah 33 times. I swear Allah if anything was better than this prayer, certainly, the prophet taught her. 
About the Kharijites and their opinion on Arbitration
We did not name people the arbitrators but we named the Qur'an the arbitrator. The Qur'an is a book covered between two flaps and it does not speak. It should therefore necessarily have an interpreter. Men alone can be such interpreters. When these people invited us to name the Qur'an as the arbitrator between us we could not be the party turning away from the Book of Allah. since Allah has said:(And then if ye quarrel about anything refer it to Allah and the Prophet . . (Qur'an 4:59 . . .
ادامه مطلب
Umar Ibn Hanzala narrated :Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said, "There are five definite signs before the rising of alQa'im, which are:(the rising of) al-Yamani and al-Sufyani, the (heavenly) cry/call (by Gabriel which will be heard all over the world), the murder of Nafs al-Zakiyya, and the sink (of the Sufyani army) into (the land of) al-Baydaa (located between Mecca and (Medina).Even for some of the definite signs, Allah reserves al-Badaa, andmay change those of the definite wills that are not categorized as His Sunan or His promises. For instance, Allah informed us through His Apostle (PBUHHF) that before the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH), al-Sufyani would certainly rise. This is a definite will, but it is not necessarily categorized as a promise. It is an insisted future event meaning
علی بن ابی طالب همواره از سوی شیعیان، جایگاه و منزلت ویژه‌ای داشته و پس از پیامبر(ص)، بهترین، باتقواترین و عالم‌ترینِ انسان‌ها و جانشین برحق حضرت محمد(ص) بوده است. بر این اساس بخشی از صحابه از همان زمان حیات پیامبر اسلام(ص)، پیروان علی(ع) و دوستداران وی یعنی شیعه دانسته‌ می‌شده‌اند.[۱] شیعیان کسانی هستند که امام علی(ع) را جانشین بلافصل پیامبر(ص) از سوی خدا می‌دانند؛[۲] در برابر اهل‌ سنت که جانشینی پیامبر را حاصل انتخاب مردم می‌دانن
یک مقطع از سوره آل عمران با صدای استاد عبدالباسط مربوط به استدیوهای مصر که شروعش رو اینجا گذاشته بودم.
قُلْ صَدَقَ اللَّهُ ۗ فَاتَّبِعُوا مِلَّةَ إِبْرَاهِیمَ حَنِیفًا وَمَا کَانَ مِنَ الْمُشْرِکِینَ(95) انَّ أَوَّلَ بَیْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِی بِبَکَّةَ مُبَارَکًا وَهُدًى لِّلْعَالَمِینَ(96)
بگو: سخن خدا راست است، پس باید از آیین ابراهیم پیروی کنید که بر آیین پاک توحید بود و هرگز از مشرکان نبود// اول خانه‌ای که برای عبادت خلق بنا ش
It was Allah who took charge of Joseph’s cause;
So, He made a caravan fall in need of water
to draw him out of the well.
Then, He made the Aziz of Egypt fall in need of a son
to adopt him as a son.
Then, He made the king fall in need of a dream interpretation 
to release him from the prison.
Next, He made all Egyptians fall in need of food
to appoint him as the Aziz of Egypt.
If Allah takes charge of your cause,
all elements of happiness will be ready for you from where you don't know.
You just need to say in all sincerity: 
I will confide my cause unto Allah.
My Lord! 
You, solely, are sufficient for us.
Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said, "When the period of the suffering of the children of Israel was prolonged, they wailed and cried to Allah for 40 mornings. There upon, Allah revealed to Moses (PBUH) and Aaron (PBUH) to rescue them from the (hands of) Pharaoh.
This way, He reduced the period of their hardship by 170 years." Then, the Imam (PBUH) continued, "This is your case as well, and if you do the same Allah shall certainly relieve us However, if you avoid it, this matter (i.e., the calamity before al-Faraj) shall surely continue up to its last stage...
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 2 of Quran
وَلِكُلٍّ وِجْهَةٌ هُوَ مُوَلِّیهَا ۖ فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَیْرَاتِ ۚ أَیْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا یَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِیعًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیرٌ ١٤٨
For each [religious following] is a direction toward which it faces. So race to [all that is] good. Wherever you may be, Allah will bring you forth [for judgement] all together. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. (148)
Each person has a path toward Allah. But the true and right path is  Wellaye and Imamate( the Imam’s authority and leadership).  Allah’s allies s
استاد هنر گفته بود عکس بگیریم برای آخر ترم ،منم فکر کردم برای این هفته میخواست پدرم رو درآوردم تونستم ده تا عکس بگیرم که تازه کیفیت چندانی نداشتن و اونقدرها هم قشنگ نبودن ولی این یکی واقعا قشنگ دراومد :)
گفتم یک مقدار الهام بگیرم از بقیه عکس ها .
اگه چند روزی نمیتونم بیام بهتون سر بزنم معذرت میخوام . خیلی کار دارم . 
تقریبا گِله ای که تمام پرهیزگار خوانان از آن دم میزنند، کم کیفیت بودن صوت ضبط شده ی از استاد میباشد!
از آنجا که ترتیل استاد پرهیزگار در دهه ی 60 ضبط شده است با توجه به امکانات آن زمان به لحاظ کیفیت ضبط، انتظار چندانی نمیرود که صوت های موجود، کیفیت مطلوبی داشته باشند!
مدت ها گشتیم تا بهترین کیفیت موجود را یافتیم! با تغییراتی که برای بهتر شدن آن داشتیم هم اینک آن را برایتان در این پست آماده دانلود کردیم.
قول میدهیم که با دیدن این کیفیت صوت شگفت ز
Do you try to focus (Purpose of focus is Focus on everything) So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means god but its meaning is not the sameFirst sentences:There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah allailel azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere are no other gods but allahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd Togetherly two other mentionsI seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satanauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ  بالله من  الشیطان  الرجیمI seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Shitan And to be present   auzu billahi min khovate shaitan
Do you try to focus (Purpose of focus is Focus on everything) So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means god but the meaning is not the sameFirst sentences:There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere are no other gods but allahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd Togetherly two other mentionsI seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satanauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ  بالله من  الشیطان  الرجیمI seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Shitan And to be present   auzu billahi min khotovate shaita
Do you try to focus (Purpose of focus is Focus on everything) So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means god but the meaning is not the sameFirst sentences:There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere are no other gods but allahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd Togetherly two other mentionsI seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satanauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ  بالله من  الشیطان  الرجیمI seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Shitan And to be present   auzu billahi min khovate shaitan
Do you try to focus (Purpose of focus is Focus on everything) So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means god but the meaning is not the sameFirst sentences:There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah allailel azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere are no other gods but allahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd Togetherly two other mentionsI seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satanauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ  بالله من  الشیطان  الرجیمI seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Shitan And to be present   auzu billahi min khovate shaitan
Surly Allah is not ashamed to set forth any parable(that of) gnat or any thing above that ;then as for those who believe,they know that 
is the trust from their Lord...)) Sura Baqara verse26
Today by photography from gnat it was founded that at back of gnat ultrafine insects lives with color of red is called Mite that nutrition from blood of gnat and see them with usual eye due to  small volume is impossible 
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 2 of Quran
وَلِکُلٍّ وِجْهَةٌ هُوَ مُوَلِّیهَا ۖ فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَیْرَاتِ ۚ أَیْنَ مَا تَکُونُوا یَأْتِ بِکُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِیعًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ کُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیرٌ ١٤٨
For each [religious following] is a direction toward which it faces. So race to [all that is] good. Wherever you may be, Allah will bring you forth [for judgement] all together. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. (148)
Each person has a path toward Allah. But the true and right path is  Wellaye and Imamate( the Imam’s authority and leadership).  Allah’s allies s
سورةُ البَقَرةبِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحیمِ الم (1)
" 'Alif `A', Lam `L', Mim `M'."
The Abbreviated Letters of the Qur'an At the beginning of 29 Suras of the Holy Qur'an, there are several certain abbreviated letters, the Muqatta`at, which seem separate from each other; i. e. they do not form an apparently meaningful word, but
wherever they occur, in the Qur'an, the Sura follows immediately with some expressions about the Qur'an and its importance. This in itself
indicates that there is a relation between these letters and the origin of the Qur'an. As an example, Sura An-Naml, No. 27, verses 1 - - 2 say:
ادامه مطلب
Do you try to focus (Purpose of focus is Focus on everything)So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means godbut the meaning is not the sameFirst sentencesThere is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere are no other gods but AllahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd Togetherly two other mentionsI seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Devilauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ  بالله من  الشیطان  الرجیمI seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Devil And to be present   auzu billahi min khotovate shaitan va
Do you try to focus (Purpose of focus is Focus on everything)So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means godbut the meaning is not the sameFirst sentences:There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere are no other gods but allahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd Togetherly two other mentionsI seek refuge in Allah from the cursed shaitanauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ  بالله من  الشیطان  الرجیمI seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Shitan And to be present   auzu billahi min khotovate shaita
‍ In the Name of Allah The Compassionate The Merciful
How does God reproach us in a way that does not make us ashamed in front of him?
He who is present everywhere, He who is Omniscient for everything and who has insight into everything.
He said that I behave in a way that my repented servant would not be ashamed even if he's beside Me.
Those who repent, if remember their sin in the hereafter feels ashamed it, this feeling of shamefulness is the punishment. There's no other punishment in Paradise.
Not only the holy essence of Allah swt doesn't punish, but also he covers the sins of his servant, then He the almighty is..., the Waiver and He forgives and forgets. 
Neither does He remind us nor has He got any benefit from us nor does He let the angels know our sin
مغز گردو یا چهار مغز نوعی خشکبار مقوی است که با خارج کردن آن از پوسته سخت گردو قابل استفاده‌است. مغز گردو را با نام غذای مغز نیز بیان کرده‌اند، زیرا مغز گردو سرشار از امگا۳ است که باعث کارکرد بهتر مغز می‌شود. گردو یا جوز[۱] (از فارسی میانه goz[۲]) میوهای گرد، با دو پوسته، یکی نرم و سبزرنگ که به تدریج خشک می‌شود و از بین می‌رود و دیگری سخت و چوبی است. مغز آن خوراکی است و روغن فراوان دارد.
ادامه مطلب
There is no direct reference to the Mahdi in the Quran, only in the hadith (the reports and traditions of Muhammad's teachings collected after his death). In most traditions, the Mahdi will arrive with 'Isa (Jesus) to defeat Al-Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false Messiah", or Antichrist). Although the concept of a Mahdi is not an essential doctrine in Sunni Islam, it is popular among both Sunni and Shia Muslims. Both agree that he will rule over Muslims and establish justice; however, they differ extensively on his attributes and statusThe Mahdi (Arabic: ٱلْمَهْدِیّ‎: al-mahdīy, meaning "the guided one") is an eschatological redeemer of Islam who, according to some Islamic traditions, will appear and rule for five, seven, nine, or nineteen years (according t
I testify that Mohammad is Allah's messenger. I testify that Ali is His guidance.The word of sincerity that flows through the person is the dominant thought and is present in the soul. One's thinking overcomes him, and if he doesn't, one becomes negligent and can not act properly.The word of لا اله الا الله ( there is no god but Allah) is a refuge. As a result, from the belief to the action, the word turns into لا اله الا الله ( there is no god but Allah).Humility = Acceptance mode, adaptability made, flexible mode.Intention = it is totally about action. It is the state of moderation, having no extremes.Satisfaction = coordination, desirable alignment, and achievement of the perfect desirability.In order asking to achieve the desired state in, the different needs of
محسن حُجَجی (زادهٔ ۲۱ تیر ۱۳۷۰ در نجف‌آباد – درگذشتهٔ ۱۸ مرداد ۱۳۹۶ در التَنْف) از نیروهای ایرانی موسوم به مدافع حرم بود که در مرداد ۱۳۹۶ در عملیاتی در گذرگاه مرزی الولید –منطقهٔ مرزیِ بین سوریه و عراق– توسط نیروهای داعش به اسارت درآمد و پس از دو روز به‌دست آنان به‌قتل رسید.
ابتدا خبرگزاری اسپوتنیک نیوز، به نقل از رسانه‌های وابسته به داعش، خبر اسارت وی را اعلام کرد.[۱][۲][۳][۴][۵][۶][۷][۸][۹]
مقبره محسن حججی در یادمان شهدای نجف آباد
داعش چندی
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 1 of Quran
بسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ ١ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِینَ ٢ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ ٣ مَالِكِ یَوْمِ الدِّینِ ٤ إِیَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِیَّاكَ نَسْتَعِینُ ٥ اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِیمَ ٦ صِرَاطَ الَّذِینَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَیْهِمْ غَیْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَیْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّینَ ٧
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. (1) [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds - (2) The Entirely Merciful, the E
There is no direct reference to the Mahdi in the Quran, only in the hadith (the reports and traditions of Muhammad's teachings collected after his death). In most traditions, the Mahdi will arrive with 'Isa (Jesus) to defeat Al-Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false Messiah", or Antichrist). Although the concept of a Mahdi is not an essential doctrine in Sunni Islam, it is popular among both Sunni and Shia Muslims. Both agree that he will rule over Muslims and establish justice; however, they differ extensively on his attributes and statusThe Mahdi (Arabic: ٱلْمَهْدِیّ‎: al-mahdīy, meaning "the guided one") is an eschatological redeemer of Islam who, according to some Islamic traditions, will appear and rule for five, seven, nine, or nineteen years (according t
Sayyed-ibn-Taoos says to his son, Sayyed Muhammad:
‘O my son, Muhammad! I,advise you  your brother and anyone who reads this book to deal correctly with the Almighty Allah and His messenger (s.a.w.a.) and to follow their recommendations and glad tidings about the advent of our master, Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). For, I have witnessed a plenty the words and deeds of numerous people in opposition to what Allah and His messenger wish so For instance, if he loses someone, a horse, a dirham or dinar, his thought will at once focus on them and he will earnestly strive to find them. But I have not found anyone so engrossed over the matter of delay in Imam’s advent as they are over such petty issues. Besides, they are not disturbed by Imam’s absence as they are by losing such petty things. So,
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 1 of Quran
بسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ ١ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِینَ ٢ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ ٣ مَالِكِ یَوْمِ الدِّینِ ٤ إِیَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِیَّاكَ نَسْتَعِینُ ٥ اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِیمَ ٦ صِرَاطَ الَّذِینَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَیْهِمْ غَیْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَیْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّینَ ٧
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. (1) [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds - (2) Th
#Wellaye_Tadabor_of_some_of_Versuses in Chapter 4 of Quran
لَنْ تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنْفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ وَمَا تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَیْءٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ بِهِ عَلِیمٌ (٩٢)
Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. (92)
Al-bar, الْبِرَّ ,  means the truth, the infallible Imām. Imām Mahdi(aj) means the Quran, the perfection.If you could leave that which you love, you would attain the perfection, that is to say if we want to see Imām Mahdi(aj)  and prepare the ground for his reappearance, we shou
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 10 of Quran
یَا أَیُّهَا النَّبِیُّ حَسْبُكَ اللَّهُ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَكَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ ٦٤
O Prophet, sufficient for you is Allah and for whoever follows you of the believers. (64)
From this verse we understand that it was necessary for the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to have people's companionship in order to work for Islām. We also understand that Imām Ali (as) had stayed at home for 25 years because people left him alone.According to this verse the time of Imām Mahdi's reappearance is when people accompany and obey  him.Imām Mahdi (aj) said, "Refer to the narrators of t
The effect of words is not what we think
It was said in the dream I said La ilaha illallah and it affected me
The word Allah means God, but it is not equivalent in languages And even in the Arabic language
the mental state of the word is different
The word Allah has a great deal of energy and cannot be said alone
The word itself is like the echo of our own voice and thought, but something stronger than our own
The Word of Allah strengthens the soul
So the influence of pollution becomes less and the focus goes up
It reduces sleep
Increases self-esteem
Creates authority in behavior and speech
It enhances one's thinking
تاثیر کلمات حتما آن چیزی را که فکر می کنیم نیستند
گفته شد در عالم خواب ذکر لا اله الا الله را گ
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 1 of Quran
بسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ ١ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِینَ ٢ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ ٣ مَالِکِ یَوْمِ الدِّینِ ٤ إِیَّاکَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِیَّاکَ نَسْتَعِینُ ٥ اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِیمَ ٦ صِرَاطَ الَّذِینَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَیْهِمْ غَیْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَیْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّینَ ٧
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. (1) [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds - (2) Th
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 4 of Quran
لَنْ تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنْفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ وَمَا تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَیْءٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ بِهِ عَلِیمٌ (٩٢)
Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. (92)
Al-bar, الْبِرَّ ,  means the truth, the infallible Imām. Imām Mahdi(aj) means the Quran, the perfection.If you could leave that which you love, you would attain the perfection, that is to say if we want to see Imām Mahdi(aj)  and prepare the ground for his reappearance, we shoul
اعیاد شعبانیه مبارک. ایشالا زیارت کربلا نصیب همهٔ آرزومندا :)
ختم قرآن تا بخش ۱۴۰ جلو رفته. به امید خدا از ۱۴۱ ادامه می‌دیم. :)
.:: بخش‌های ۱۴۱ تا ۱۶۰ ::.
۱۴۱-۱۴۴ دکتر سین | ۱۴۵-۱۴۶ منتظر اتفاقات خوب (حورا) | ۱۴۷-۱۵۰ شباهنگ | ۱۵۱ فرشته ... | ۱۵۲-۱۵۳ حـ . آرمان (استاد بزرگ) | ۱۵۴-۱۵۵ ناشناس | ...

اگر با چیستی و چگونگی ختم مشترک قرآن توی این وبلاگ آشنا نیستین، اینجا رو بخونین.
+ قرآن کریم و تفسیر المیزان

+ التماس دعا...
متاسفانه مرورگر شما، قابیلت پخش فایل های صوتی تصویری را در قالب HTML5 دارا نمی باشد.توصیه ما به شما استفاده از مروگرهای رایج و بروزرسانی آن به آخرین نسخه می باشدبا این حال ممکن است مرورگرتان توسط پلاگین خود قابلیت پخش این فایل را برای تان فراهم آورد.
اعیاد شعبانیه مبارک. ایشالا زیارت کربلا نصیب همهٔ آرزومندا :)
ختم قرآن تا بخش ۱۴۰ جلو رفته. به امید خدا از ۱۴۱ ادامه می‌دیم. :)
.:: بخش‌های ۱۴۱ تا ۱۶۰ ::.
۱۴۱-۱۴۴ دکتر سین | ۱۴۵-۱۴۶ منتظر اتفاقات خوب (حورا) | ۱۴۷-۱۵۰ شباهنگ | ۱۵۱ فرشته ... | ۱۵۲-۱۵۳ حـ . آرمان (استاد بزرگ) | ۱۵۴-۱۵۵ ناشناس | ۱۵۶ مهتا | ...

اگر با چیستی و چگونگی ختم مشترک قرآن توی این وبلاگ آشنا نیستین، اینجا رو بخونین.
+ قرآن کریم و تفسیر المیزان

+ التماس دعا...
 کارگاه آموزشی پیشگیری از اعتیاد
و تبیین مضرات ناشی از مصرف مواد افیون
با توجه به ضرورت بالا بردن سطح آگاهی دانشجویان در مورد پیشگیری از اعتیاد و تبیین تبعات و مضرات ناشی از مصرف مواد افیونی، کارگاه آموزشی با حضور جناب سرهنگ شاهوردی، رئیس مبارزه با مواد مخدر شهرستان مراغه، در دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه برگزار گردید.
مشروح مطالب مطروحه در این کارگاه آموزشی:
ادامه مطلب
[ ] The complete prayer is known as the prayer of fireO, Lord! I spent the night and started the morning and I 'll Take You as a witness and Your testimony is sufficient for me, I'll as witness the angels, throne bearers, and dwellers of the seven heavens and the earth, the prophets and messengers, the righteous servants, and all your creators, your testimony is sufficient for me, so bear witness that I testify that there is no god except You, One without partners, and indeed Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is Your servant and messenger and what is worshiped other than You from the throne to seven basement floors all are fabricated and invalid. Except for Your generous essence of that is Superior and Noble and above all that no descriptors are capable of describing the majesty and glory of Your realit
حضور در غزوات
نوشتار اصلی: غزوات پیامبر
امام علی(ع) در غزوات و سریه‌های صدر اسلام، نقش مؤثری داشت و در همه غزوات جز غزوه تبوک همراه پیامبر(ص) جنگید.[۱۷۵] امام علی(ع) در بسیاری از غزوات پرچم‌دار اصلی سپاه اسلام بود.[۱۷۶] او همچنین در جنگ‌هایی که عموم مسلمانان در آن فرار کردند، در کنار پیامبر باقی ماند و به جنگ ادامه داد.[۱۷۷]
جنگ بدر
جنگ بدر، نخستین جنگ با فرماندهی پیامبر(ص)، میان مسلمانان و مشرکان قریش بود که در جمعه هفدهم رمضان سال ۲ق در کنار چ
اعیاد شعبانیه مبارک. ایشالا زیارت کربلا نصیب همهٔ آرزومندا :)
ختم قرآن تا بخش ۱۴۰ جلو رفته. به امید خدا از ۱۴۱ ادامه می‌دیم. :)
.:: بخش‌های ۱۴۱ تا ۱۶۰ ::.
۱۴۱-۱۴۴ دکتر سین | ۱۴۵-۱۴۶ منتظر اتفاقات خوب (حورا) | ۱۴۷-۱۵۰ شباهنگ | ۱۵۱ فرشته ... | ۱۵۲-۱۵۳ حـ . آرمان (استاد بزرگ) | ۱۵۴-۱۵۵ ناشناس | ۱۵۶ مهتا | ۱۵۷ شباهنگ | ...

اگر با چیستی و چگونگی ختم مشترک قرآن توی این وبلاگ آشنا نیستین، اینجا رو بخونین.
+ قرآن کریم و تفسیر المیزان

+ التماس دعا...
سیره خانوادگی
شیوه همسرداری
امام علی در مورد رابطه خود با همسرش حضرت زهرا(س) می‌گوید: «به خدا سوگند! هیچ‌گاه فاطمه را به اکراه به کاری وانداشتم و او را ناراحت نکردم و خشمگین نساختم تا خداوند او را نزد خویش برد و او نیز هیچ زمان مرا ناراحت و خشمگین نکرد و از دستور من سرپیچی ننمود و هر گاه به او نگاه می‌کردم همه ناراحتی‌ها و اندوه‌ها و غم‌هایم را از یاد می‌بردم».[۳۷۳] علی(ع) در کارهای خانه به فاطمه کمک می‌کرد.[۳۷۴]
رفتار با فرزندان
بنابر آنچه
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 5 of Quran

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا یَظْلِمُ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ ۖ وَإِن تَكُ حَسَنَةً یُضَاعِفْهَا وَیُؤْتِ مِن لَّدُنْهُ أَجْرًا عَظِیمًا ٤٠

Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward. (40)

The more virtue action is "Waiting for Faraj, the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi(aj)", " انتظار فرج ".  If it is the promise of Allah that He  will reward  every good work , and  the "Waiting for Faraj,  انتظار فرج " is the most vi
his own companions

Allah gives time to the oppressor ،His catch
would not spare him. Allah watches

.him on the
passage of his way and the position of that which suffocates the throats.

By Allah in
Whose power my life lies these people (Mu'awiyah and his men) will overcome

you not
because they have a better right than you but because of their hastening

(the wrong
with their leader and your slowness about my right to be followed).
ادامه مطلب
نرم افزار قرآن مبین شامل متن قرآن به همراه ترجمه های فارسی (انصاریان، آیتی، صفوی، صلواتی، گرمارودی، معزی) و ترجمه های آلبانی، هندی، آذربایجانی، بوسنی، بلغاری، چینی، انگلیسی (چهار ترجمه) فرانسوی، آلمانی (دو ترجمه) ایتالیایی، ژاپنی، کره ای، مالایی، لهستانی، پرتقالی، روسی، ترکی و … می باشد
ادامه مطلب
Soudabeh:Something that is very close to birth is death! Mother feels the presence of God in her own, in every moment, especially in the last months of pregnancy. At least, sometimes, moms feel the presence of a creature in her own, especially when baby shakes or does not shake when it is expected to shake! The growth of a baby in the mother's body is kind of miracle, being alive is a miracle, too. breathing at any moment. Pumping the heart at any moment!  learning more new things, constantly by mind. becoming more patient and kinder and ….The bad moment is the moment that all of this goes away! the last breaths! The last moving! The last… When the choice is taken from humans. for this difficult situation, just a mother can change this bad situation to the best one with her clever an
Do you try to focus?
So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means god but its meaning is not the sameFirst sentences:1.There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah allail azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیم2.There are no other gods but allahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd separately two other mentions3.I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satanauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم4.I seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Shitan And to be present auzu billahi min khovate shaitan va an yahzorehemاعوذ بالله من
Do you try to focus?
So try this method tooI worked on the properties of words for several yearsIf you say these words you will find a good focusIf someone is sick, it will be goodword of allah means god but its meaning is not the sameFirst sentences:1.There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah allailel azimلا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیم2.There are no other gods but allahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd separately two other mentions3.I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satanauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم4.I seek refuge in Allah from the steps of the Shitan And to be present auzu billahi min khovate shaitan va an yahzorehemاعوذ بالله م
ابوعلی حسین بن عبدالله بن حسن بن علی بن سینا، مشهور به ابوعلیِ سینا، ابن سینا، پورسینا و شیخ الرئیس (زادهٔ ۳۵۹ ه‍.ش در بخارا – درگذشتهٔ ۲ تیر ۴۱۶ در همدان، ۹۸۰–۱۰۳۷ میلادی[۱۰])،[۱۱][۱۲][۱۳] همه‌چیزدان،[۱۴] پزشک، ریاضی‌دان،منجم، فیزیک‌دان، شیمی‌دان، روان‌شناس، جغرافی‌دان، زمین‌شناس، شاعر، منطق دان و فیلسوف[۱۵] ایرانی[۲][۳][۴][۵][۱۶] و از مشهورترین و 
ادامه مطلب
یک مقطع از سوره آل عمران با صدای استاد عبدالباسط مربوط به استدیوهای مصر که شروعش رو اینجا گذاشته بودم.

قُلْ صَدَقَ اللَّهُ ۗ فَاتَّبِعُوا مِلَّةَ إِبْرَاهِیمَ حَنِیفًا وَمَا کَانَ مِنَ الْمُشْرِکِینَ(95) انَّ أَوَّلَ بَیْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِی بِبَکَّةَ مُبَارَکًا وَهُدًى لِّلْعَالَمِینَ(96)
بگو: سخن خدا راست است، پس باید از آیین ابراهیم پیروی کنید که بر آیین پاک توحید بود و هرگز از مشرکان نبود// اول خانه‌ای که برای عبادت خلق بنا
 برگزاری ضیافت افطار
ویژه خانواده کارکنان و اساتید
همزمان با ایام ماه مبارک رمضان، ضیافت افطاری با حضور خانواده کارکنان و اساتید هیات علمی، برگزار گردید.
دکتر محمدی راد، رئیس دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه پس از صرف افطاری و برگزاری نماز جماعت مغرب و عشاء، ضمن عرض خیر مقدم و تبریک حلول ماه مبارک رمضان و تمسک به آیه شریفه: (یا أَیُّهَا الَّذینَ آمَنُوا کُتِبَ عَلَیْکُمُ الصِّیامُ کَما کُتِبَ عَلَی الَّذینَ مِنْ قَبْلِکُمْ لَعَلَّکُمْ تَتَّقُ
یادواره شهدای کارمند مراغه
( طلایه‌داران خدمت )
به مناسبت گرامیداشت هفته دولت یادواره شهدای کارمند بانام طلایه‌داران خدمت با حضور خانواده‌های معظم شهدا و ایثارگران، مردم و مسئولین، فرمانده هان نظامی شهرستان و جمعی از کارکنان دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه، 6 شهریور 1398 در تالار عبدالقادر مراغه برگزار شد. حجت‌الاسلام عبدالرحیم سرایی نماینده محترم ولی‌فقیه در سپاه شهدا آذربایجان غربی با گرامی داشت یاد و خاطره شهیدان رجایی و باهنر گفت:
بنام خدا
نصراباد جرقویه، شهری است در بخش جرقویه سفلی که در جنوب شرقی شهر اصفهان قرار دارد. از مشاهیر این شهر می‌توان به اشرف نصرآبادی جرقویه‌ای اشاره کرد که در سال ۱۳۳۹ وفات یافته و در تخت فولاد مدفون گشته است.[۳]
نصراباد جرقویه در ۷۰ کیلومتری اصفهان در جنوب رشته کوه کلاه قاضی
واقع شده‌است. قریب به 6500نفر طبق سرشماری 1395 جمعیت دارد. اهالی آن به
دو دسته تاجیک یا تازیک ( که شغل بیشترشان کشاورزی است) و عشایر که به عرب
شهرت دارند تقسیم می‌شوند که
 کارگاه آموزشی پیشگیری از اعتیاد
و تبیین مضرات ناشی از مصرف مواد افیون
با توجه به ضرورت بالا بردن سطح آگاهی دانشجویان در مورد پیشگیری از اعتیاد و تبیین تبعات و مضرات ناشی از مصرف مواد افیونی، کارگاه آموزشی با حضور جناب سرهنگ شاهوردی، رئیس مبارزه با مواد مخدر شهرستان مراغه، در دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه برگزار شد.وی با بیان این که علل گرایش به اعتیاد را می توان در سه قلمرو فردی، خانوادگی و اجتماعی مطرح کرد، گفت: مشکلات روانی، کنجکاوی، ضعف ار
اتریش با نام رسمی جمهوری اتریش یکی از کشورهای اروپای مرکزی است. پایتخت آن وین است.در سال ۲۰۱۰ حدود ۴۰۰٬۰۰۰ تا ۵۰۰٬۰۰۰ مسلمان در اتریش تخمین زده می‌شود، که
در حدود ۶٪ از کل جمعیت اتریش است. اکثر مسلمانان در طول دههٔ ۱۹۶۰ به
عنوان کارگران مهاجر از ترکیه، بوسنی و هرزگوین همچنین جوامع عربی و پاکستان به اتریش وارد شده‌اند.[۱] اسلام از سال ۱۹۱۲ یکی از دین‌های رسمی اتریش بوده‌است. قانون اسلام، توسط امپراتور فرانتس یوزف یکم و پس از الحاق بوسنی و
Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said to his companions, "Be more hopeful on the things that you consider farfetched than that which you presume very likely. Verily, Musa Ibn Imran (PBUH) went to bring fire (to provide heat and light) for his family and when he came back to them he was an apostle, and this way, Allah rectified the matter of His servant and His Prophet, Musa (PBUH), within a night. In the same way, Allah shall treat al-Qa'im, the twelfth of the Imams (PBUT). He shall rectify his matter in one night and shall take him from complication and concealment to the light of relief and reappearance
سوم خرداد، سالروز فتح خرمشهر
شرح تاریخی عملیات آزاد سازی خرمشهر 
خرمشهر به دلیل اهمیت استراتژیک، همچنین به مناسبت آنکه از اصلی ترین مناطق مورد ادعای عراق بود، از نخستین روز شروع جنگ، هدف بمباران سنگین عراق قرار گرفت، نیروهای زمینی عراق به سوی آن پیشروی و به محاصره در آوردند. هنگ پیاده خرمشهر با کمک سپاه پاسداران و نیروهای مردمی، دلیرانه در برابر حملات ارتش عراق ایستادگی کرد.
ادامه مطلب
“I didn’t want to be created. Why did God create me to sin and then send me to hell to suffer a huge pain?”
The sentence “I didn’t want to be created…” is basically wrong,
because “I” didn’t exist at all so I couldn’t have meant to be created
or to have wished to be created or not!
Without a shade of doubt every one not only likes to be created, but
also loves the one who created him i.e. the Elevated God. When the
benevolent creator created us he ingrained his love and the love of
“being” in our nature. This is the creation and it never changes.
We know that God created humans from soil i.e. God granted a huge
honor to that amount of worthless soil and appointed him as his
successor. So everyone likes his or her existence and the idea “
 مسابقه بزرگ
گام دوّم انقلاب اسلامی
معاونت فرهنگی دانشگاه علوم و معارق قرآن کریم برگزار می کند: مسابقه بزرگ گام دوّم انقلاب.
در راستای تبیین بیانیه رهبر فرزانه انقلاب در خصوص دستاوردهای چهار دهه از انقلاب اسلامی، برای «ایجاد تمدن نوین اسلامی و آمادگی برای ظهور حضرت ولی‌عصر ارواحنا فداه» مسابقه بزرگ گام دوّم انقلاب در رشته های: مقاله، فیلم کوتاه، تولید آثار هنری، تولید محتوای مجازی و ... برگزار می گردد.
ادامه مطلب
Among the sacred books of judaism verses about savior loss distored from enemies. some one know this point from in tense tendency of jews  to savior so that "Harambam from the elders of the Jews said ((any persob of Judism how dosent believe Messiah(savior) or dosent wait for him he is denied excellence of Moses and other prophet of the sons of Israel)) and some one know this point from non in reference of this verses a bout living of Rabbi is and ruller of Judaidm of actor of to be safe from distoration. and some one know this point Miracle from God. what ever the reason result is this in the scared books of Judaism an prophet of the sons of Israel we can see a lot of verse a bout apocalypse and sign of reappear of savior ad in some book like Zabur this verse come to one third. some of t
 مراسم گرامیداشت آغاز سال تحصیلی جدید
با حضور استاد کریمی مراغه ای
مراسم گرامیداشت آغاز سال تحصیلی جدید، همزمان با دانشکده های علوم قرآنی سراسر کشور، با حضور اساتید، کارکنان و دانشجویان در سالن اجتماعات دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه برگزار گردید.
در ابتدای این مراسم، دکتر محمدی راد ریاست دانشکده، ضمن عرض خیر مقدم به حضار و میهمانان، بویژه شاعر پر آوازه ایران اسلامی؛ استاد کریمی مراغه ای، آغاز سال تحصیلی جدید را به اساتید، همکاران و دانشجوی
پادکست جدید «محمد رسول الله» از «محمدرضا امیری» و «سامی یوسف» منتشر شد.
• • • • • •قطعه جدید: محمد رسول اللهمحمدرضا امیری - سامی یوسفتنظیم: holysongteamتاریخ انتشار: ۱۸ بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۸New Piece: Mohammad Rasool AllahMohammad Reza Amiri - Sami YusufProducer by: HolySongteamRelease date: 8 February 2020
پادکست جدید «محمد رسول الله» از «محمدرضا امیری» و «سامی یوسف» منتشر شد.
• • • • • •قطعه جدید: محمد رسول اللهمحمدرضا امیری - سامی یوسفتنظیم: holysongteamتاریخ انتشار: ۱۸ بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۸New Piece: Mohammad Rasool AllahMohammad Reza Amiri - Sami YusufProducer by: HolySongteamRelease date: 8 February 2020
پادکست جدید «محمد رسول الله» از «محمدرضا امیری» و «سامی یوسف» منتشر شد.
• • • • • •قطعه جدید: محمد رسول اللهمحمدرضا امیری - سامی یوسفتنظیم: holysongteamتاریخ انتشار: ۱۸ بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۸New Piece: Mohammad Rasool AllahMohammad Reza Amiri - Sami YusufProducer by: HolySongteamRelease date: 8 February 2020
یا أَیهَا النَّبِی قُلْ لِأَزْواجِک وَ بَناتِک وَ نِساءِ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ یدْنِینَ عَلَیهِنَّ مِنْ جَلَابِیبِهِنَّ ذلِک أَدْنی أَنْ یعْرَفْنَ فَلا یؤْذَینَ وَ کانَ اللَّهُ غَفُوراً رَحِیماً
سوره احزاب ۵۹ 
Surah Ahzab 59
«ای پیامبر! به همسران و دخترانت و زنان مؤمنان بگو: «جلباب ها [روسری های بلند] خود را بر خویش فروافکنند، این کار برای این که شناخته شوند و مورد آزار قرار نگیرند بهتر است؛ (و اگر تاکنون خطا و کوتاهی از آنها سر زده توبه کنند) خدا
با عرض تسلیت ایام شهادت حضرت فاطمه زهرا (س)، ختم مشترک قرآن رو از بخش ۱۲۵ پی‌می‌گیریم.
.:: بخش‌های ۱۲۱ تا ۱۴۰ ::.
۱۲۵-۱۲۷ دکتر سین | ۱۲۸ شباهنگ | ۱۲۹-۱۳۲ مصطفی فتاحی اردکانی | ۱۳۳-۱۳۴ شباهنگ | ۱۳۵-۱۳۹ مهسا .م | ...
اگر با چیستی و چگونگی ختم مشترک قرآن توی این وبلاگ آشنا نیستین، اینجا رو بخونین.
+ قرآن کریم و تفسیر المیزان
+ التماس دعا...
Had it not been for the great sacrifice by Hussain Ibn Ali (a.s.)—the sacrifice that absolutely awakened and alerted history’s conscience—Islam would have perished, if not in the first, by the early 2nd century.
 June 16, 1993

We need to read between the lines, and carefully ponder over the life story of Hussain ibn-Ali (a.s.). Many have risen up in the world; they have had a leader, and they were also killed. Among them, numerous were children of the prophets and Imams (a.s.). However, Imam Hussain (a.s.) was unique. The event of Karbala was extraordinary. The martyrs of Karbala have a special position. Why? The answer is to be searched in the nature of the event, which gives a lesson to us all, including and maybe, in particular, to you, dear [disabled] war veterans.On
Miracles of the Quran
The matchless style of the Quran and wisdom in it, are definite evidence, it is the word of God. In addition the Quran has many miraculous attributes, proving that it is revelation from God. One of these facts is scientific issues that we have covered them in 20thcentury, but it is stated in Quran 1400 years ago. These facts could not have been ever known at the time the Quran revealed and this is more proving that the Quran is the word of God.
In the 7th century, when the Quran was revealed, Arab society had many superstitious, lack of the technology to examine the universe and nature. These Arabs believed in everything they were told by their past generation, for example they believed the earth is flat and mountains are on its both sides and the sky is like a roof
  کارگاه آموزشی 
روشهای حفظ بهداشت روانی
با عنایت به اهمیت سلامت روحی جوانان و افزایش سطح آگاهی دانشجویان در خصوص بهداشت روانی، کارگاه آموزشی روشهای حفظ بهداشت روانی، روز شنبه هفتم اردیبهشت ماه، توسط مشاور دانشکده: استاد توکلی، در سالن کنفرانس دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه برگزار گردید.
ادامه مطلب
بیماری کروناویروس ۲۰۱۹ (انگلیسی: Coronavirus disease 2019) (COVID-19),[۳] که رسماً به آن بیماری تنفسی حاد ان‌کاو-۲۰۱۹ گفته می‌شود، عفونتی است که بر اثر کرونای جدید، یک ویروس در ارتباط نزدیک با کروناویروس سارس ایجاد می‌شود.[۴][۵] این بیماری دلیل شیوع کروناویروس ووهان است.[۶][۷] این بیماری اساساً از طریق قطرات ریز تنفسی از افراد مبتلا وقتی سرفه یا عطسه می‌کنند بین افراد پخش می‌شود.[۸]زمان بین در معرض بیماری قرار گرفتن و بروز علایم بین ۲ و ۱۴ روز است.[۹] از طریق
 آخرین جلسه شورای اداری 
سال 1397 برگزار گردید
آخرین جلسه شورای اداری دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه در سال 1397 ، روز چهارشنبه بیست و دوم اسفند ماه در سالن جلسات این دانشکده برگزار گردید.
در ابتدای این جلسه، دکتر محمّدی راد رئیس دانشکده علوم قرآنی مراغه ضمن بیان حدیث شریف: (الْغَضَبُ عَلى مَنْ لا تَمْلِکُ عَجْزٌ، وَعَلى مَنْ تَمْلِکُ لُؤْمٌ) از امام هادی(ع) در باب غضب و کظم غیظ، نکاتی اخلاقی دراین خصوص بیان نمود. 
ادامه مطلب
رکود تورمی یا ایستایی تورمی به وجود هم‌زمان تورم و رکود اقتصادی گفته می‌شود.[۱]
رکود در تعریف اقتصادی به دو دوره سه‌ماهه پیاپی رشد منفی در اقتصاد یک کشور اطلاق می‌شود.[۲]
«دوره‌ای که کاهش معنی دار در چهار عامل تولید، درآمد، اشتغال و تجارت ایجاد شود.» این دوره معمولاً حداقل بین ۶ ماه تا یکسال است. به این ترتیب می‌توان رکود بر این اساس به معنای کاهنده بودن رشد تولید ناخالص داخلی واقعی است.[۳]
تورم (به انگلیسی: Inflation) از نظر علم اقتصاد اشاره به
When the Spirit became strong so the influence of pollution becomes less and the focus goes up so the spirit health index is the amount and power of focusattention to spiritual needsAttention to GodAttention to society and take the attention from the societyAttention to yourselfAttention to God(Anything for God)Religious lawRitualsPrayerMentionsMentionsWord of GodThe effect of the words is not what we thinkGod has many names One of the names of God is Allahthe mental state of the word is differentThe word itself is like the echo of our own voice and thought, but something stronger than our ownusing the word of Allah strengthens the soul (For example mention)Increases self-esteemCreates authority in behavior and speechIt enhances one's thinkingLa ilaha illallahWhen La ilaha illallah are spo
Jesus' death in the Quran
Jesus' death is mentioned once in the Quran, in a past and future sense. In the past sense it is said that the Jews did not kill or crucify Jesus, but it only appeared to them as if they had, and that in fact Jesus had been raised up by God . In the future sense it is said  that Jesus will not die until the end of time.
  The Mahdi will arrive with 'Isa (Jesus). Mahdi is very kind.
The day Dajjal is to be killed by Imam Mahdi (as), in the final era of time, that day is Nowruz. Even, according to some narrations, the day Adam (as) descended on Earth was on Nowruz. Nowruz means a new day in the history of mankind and a new state in the life of humankind.
Do you try to focus (Purpose of focus is Focus on everything)So try this method too.I worked on the properties of words for several years If you say these words you will find a good focus If someone is sick, it will be goodword of Allah means god but the meaning is not the same Better to say its Arabic
First sentences
لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیم  There is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimThere are no other gods but AllahLa ilaha illallahلا إله إلا اللهAnd Togetherly two other mentions (Those who are not sick  Do not repeat these two sentences too much Because the word of Devil is repeated)I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Devilauzu billahi minashaitanir rajimأعوذ  بالله من
میثاق نامه دانشگاه علوم و معارف قرآن کریم
با مقام معظم رهبری در گام دوم انقلاب
باتوجه به انتشار بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب از سوی رهبری معظم انقلاب، میثاق نامه دانشگاه علوم و معارف قرآن کریم با مقام معظم رهبری در گام دوم انقلاب منتشر شد.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم«إِنَّ هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ یَهْدِی لِلَّتِی هِیَ أَقْوَمُ وَیُبَشِّرُ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ الَّذِینَ یَعْمَلُونَ الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْرًا کَبِیرًا»؛  (اسراء/ 9)
ادامه مطلب
Do you try to focus
So try this method too.I worked on the properties of the words for several years If you say these words you will find a good focus If someone is sick, it will be good ,the word of Allah means god Better say to Arabic
Separated mentionsIf two mentions be together the effects are removed before the effects on the spiritual effects
Weakening of Spiritual effects>>>>لا حول و لا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere is no power or strength save in Allah the greatla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimSpiritual effects eliminator>>>> لا اله الا اللهThere are no other gods but god(Allah)La ilaha illallah
Togetherly mentionsdevil is extremely stubborn and one mention have not a full coverThose who are
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
Wellaye Tadabor of some of Versuses in Chapter 8 of Quran

ِانَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ مَن یَضِلُّ عَن سَبِیلِهِ ۖ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِینَ ١١٧

Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who strays from His way, and He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided. (117)

What is the way which your Lord is most knowing of who strays from it?The way of Imāmate and Welāyat and at the moment t is Ithe way of the son of lady Fātema, Imām Mahdi (aj).The one who slips on this way and forgets Imām Mahdi's presence even for a moment, successively would forget God's Omnipresence and as a result of which they would stray
زیارت و غبارروبی مزار شهدا
و دیدار از گنجینه شهدای  مراغه
در آستانه بیست و دوم اسفندماه (روز بزرگداشت شهدا) و گرامی داشت یاد و خاطره شهدا و رزمندگان دفاع مقدس، جمعی از دانشجویان با همراهی مسئولین دانشکده از گنجینه آثار شهدای شهرستان مراغه دیدار کردند، در این برنامه دانشجویان از قسمت های مختلف گنجینه، مشتمل بر وصایا، دست نوشته ها، تصاویر و آثار مختلف شهدای گرانقدر این شهر می باشد بازدید نموده و با این مکان مقدس آشنا شدند.
ادامه مطلب
تمدید فراخوان ارسال مقالات
بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب 
مهلت ارسال مقالات با موضوع تبیین و بازگو نمودن بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب مقام معظم رهبری به معاونت فرهنگی دانشگاه علوم و معارف قرآن کریم تا ۳۱ خرداد ماه ۱۳۹۸ تمدید شد.
دانشجویان، کارکنان و اساتید دانشکده های علوم قرآنی می توانند مقالات خود با موضوعات تبیین مبانی قرآنی بیانیه، فرهنگ سازی و گفتمان سازی آموزه های بیانیه برای تحقق تمدن اسلامی و وظایف دانشجوی قرآنی در تحقق منویات رهبری را تا پایا
Do you try to focus
So try this method too.I worked on the properties of the words for several years If you say these words you will find a good focus If someone is sick, it will be good ,the word of Allah means god
Separated mentionsIf two mentions be together the effects are removed before the effects on the spiritual effects
Weakening of Spiritual effects>>>>لا حول و لا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere is no power or strength save in Allah the greatla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimSpiritual effects eliminator>>>> لا اله الا اللهThere are no other gods but god(Allah)La ilaha illallah
Togetherly mentionsdevil is extremely stubborn and one mention have not a full coverThose who are not sick dont repeat
Do you try to focus
So try this method too.I worked on the properties of the words for several years If you say these words you will find a good focus If someone is sick, it will be good ,the word of Allah means god
Separated mentionsIf two mentions be together the effects are removed before the effects on the spiritual effects
Spiritual effects eliminator>>>> لا اله الا اللهThere are no other gods but god(Allah)La ilaha illallahWeakening of Spiritual effects>>>>لا حول و لا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere is no power or strength save in Allah the greatla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azim
Togetherly mentionsdevil is extremely stubborn and one mention have not a full coverThose who are not sick dont repeat
Do you try to focus
So try this method too.I worked on the properties of the words for several years If you say these words you will find a good focus If someone is sick, it will be good ,the word of Allah means god Better say to Arabic
Separated mentionsIf the two mentions be together the effects are removed before the effects on the spiritual effects
Weakening of Spiritual effects>>>>لا حول و لا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیمThere is no power or strength save in Allahla hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azimSpiritual effects eliminator>>>> لا اله الا اللهThere are no other gods but god(Allah)La ilaha illallah
Togetherly mentionsThose who are not sick dont repeat these two mentions much Because the word of Devil


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